KeyboardSwap for Keepass2Andro

by Philipp Crocoll (Croco Apps)



This app is compatible with Keepass2Android.Instructions for setting up this app:1.) Install ADB on your computer. ADB is the Android Debug Bridge, you find instructions how to do this on Open a command prompt and change to the directory where the adb executable is located (e.g. [Android SDK location]platform-tools). 3.) Launch an adb shell. Therefore, type "adb shell" 4.) In the adb shell, enter pm grant keepass2android.plugin.keyboardswap2 android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGSand hit the Enter key. 5.) Type "exit" to leave the adb shell.6.) Go to Keepass2Android > Settings > App Settings > Password-Access > Keyboard switching and enable "Auto-switch keyboard"NOTE for Xiaomi devices: You might have to enable some settings before running the adb shell command, see